
Charlie Dickson

Pure Advocacy. No Compromise. Empowered Parents.

For the discussion of unique problems, concerns, joys and successes of parents of adults and older children with disabilities, and for findings goals and directions which we can voice to others to further the progress of our children with disabilities.

Parents and guardians are invited to join PAD-CO. There is strength in numbers, and many vital issues are discussed here.

Recent Denver Post Opinion Piece on Housing

Recently Julie Marshall wrote a thought-provoking article about the lack of appropriate housing for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Colorado. Click here to read it.

Remember This? “Listen to Us” PADCO Booklet

“Listen to Us” PADCO booklet of guest editorials

Several years ago PADCO published a booklet of guest editorials from its members called “Listen to Us” that we initially sent to all state legislators. It remains relevant today. Check it out by clicking here.

Laura Malinowski says “Hi!”

Laura Malinowski says “Hi!”

Our Beginning

PAD-CO was formed in 2002 for the discussion of the unique problems, concerns, joys and successes of parents, guardians or anyone in a parental role of adults and older children with disabilities, and for finding goals and directions which we can voice to others to further the progress of our children with disabilities. Learn more about our beginning.

“A happy and healthy community is not a fairytale. All you need is a seed.”

— NADIA Shabazz, FOUNDER, Project Sprout

Our Mission

Joshua Hunter enjoying being outdoors

Joshua Hunter enjoying being outdoors

PAD-CO is an organization of parents of adults with disabilities in Colorado who have banded together to advocate for legislative and regulatory changes for people with developmental disabilities on the federal, state and local levels. We also share information and resources to help inform families of loved ones with disabilities.

Get Involved! Join!

Joshua Hunter on horseback at Promise Hands Ranch

Joshua Hunter on horseback at Promise Hands Ranch

There are three ways to get involved immediately. You can: 1) Join our List Serve group; 2) Join our Facebook group; or 3) Attend a quarterly luncheon (or preferably do all three!).

Also, as specific issues arise we ask that you consider getting involved in those, too. Those issues and how you can get involved will be detailed here, too as well as through our Facebook Group, List Serve and luncheon meetings.

Learn More →

PADCO Survey Results

Denver Fox, one of the founders of PADCO, has completed a survey of PADCO members to honor the 20th anniversary of PADCO. He asked our current membership to describe in one sentence how each member has been helped by PADCO. A whopping near-80 responses were received before the survey was closed! To view the anonymous responses, click here.

New Housing Options Workgroup Formed

A group of PADCO members, in collaboration with Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition, has recently formed to educate themselves and advocate on behalf of potential residential options for our loved ones with developmental disabilities. If you are interested please send an email with your name and email address to Darlene Beals, parent coordinator of this effort, at darlene@beals5.com or Dawn Howard of Colorado Cross Disability Coalition at dhoward@ccdconline.org. Meetings are being held via Zoom. To get the next meeting date and a link to join, please email Darlene or Dawn.

The group has started a resource list of videos for families to view that might become interested in learning about options currently out there. To see a list of the videos we are aware of, click here.

Charlie Dickson

PADCO Workgroup Formed on Starting Your Own PASA (Program-Approved Service Agency)

Did you know you can start your own PASA (Program-Approved Service Agency) to provide services for your loved ones with developmental disabilities? There are pros and cons to it and it is no easy process, that’s for sure. But a group of PADCO members held a Zoom meeting in 2021 to explore in detail not only how to form a PASA but why you should (or shouldn’t) consider doing this. The meeting was recorded so if you missed it you can catch up with it by clicking here.

Also, the Arc of Arapahoe and Douglas did a primer on how to set one up several years ago. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnRMdd-ozTQ&t=95s They also did a PowerPoint presentation covering much of the same material that can be accessed here.